Passive Voice Part 2


Hello everyone. welcome back to my blog. how are you today? i hope you guys fine and healty. so for today topic we are going to talk about passive voice. most of you guys maybe already know what is passive voice or maybe you guys use it without knowing it. in this blog i am going continue my last blog. i am going to give an example of passive voice in this blog. Well lets get started.


The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. In other words, the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the sentence.



In general, the passive sentence structure : S + To Be + V3 

Simple :

Present : S + to be 1 + V3 (It is washed.)

Past : S + to be 2 + V3 (It was washed.)

Future : S + will be + V3 (It will be washed.)

Past Future : S + would be + V3 (It would be washed.)

Perfect Simple :

Present : S + has/have been + V3 (It has been washed.)

Past : S + had been + V3 (It had been washed.)

Future : S + will have been + V3 (It will have been washed.)

Past Future : S + would have been + V3 (It would have been washed.)

Step How To Change Active To Passive Voice 

  • Include the word 'be' which adjusts to the tense in the sentence 
  • Using a verb that is changed to a past participle 
  • Put the word by followed by the subject of the sentence 
  • Change the position of the object into the subject of the sentence

 The Use of Passive Voice

- you don't want to emphasise who did the action.
- you don't know who did the action.
- the object is the most important part of the sentence.

 Example Active And Passive Voice


  • Michael forgot to bring his report
  • Her parents always come home late
  • Bradie had went to Finland before
  • He will buy a new laptop tomorrow 


  • That flower was planted by my mother
  • the owner are being bitten by the dog
  • Flowers are grown by my sister
  • The Mona Lisa was Painted by the artist

That's all for today thanks for you guys that read my blog 

i hope you like it and have a nice day 😀

See ya on my next blog bye 👋👋





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