Cause AND Effect

Cause and Effect | English For Kids | Mind blooming - YouTube

 Hi guys!!! Welcome back to my blog. for today blog i am going to talk about cause and effect. for the part 1 i am not going to tell a lot like only the structure definition and the basic knowledge about cause and effect. and stay tune 😁


Causation is recording the relationship between actions or events in such a way that one or more is the result of the other or the other. Cause and effect are commonly used in everyday conversation and in a text.


the structure of the explanatory text is as follows:

  • General statement/phenomena identification, contains general statements about the topic that will be explained in the process of occurrence or the process of its existence.
  • A series of explanations contains the process of occurrence or cause and effect of a phenomenon that is presented sequentially or gradually from the beginning to the end.
  • interpretation or review contains conclusions from the topics that have been explained

Characteristic Features

  • The structure consists of general statements, causal sequences, and interpretations.
  • The information contained is based on facts (factual).
  • The factual contains information that is scientific/scientific in nature, for example, such as science.
  • Its nature is informative and does not try to influence the reader to believe it to the things discussed.
  • Have/use sequence markers. For example, first, second, third, and so on. You can also use: first, next, last.



  • Explain the phenomenon that occurs
  • Explain the cause and effect of an event



The harvest of the farmers in Cisandana Village this year is not satisfactory, thousands of hectares of rice fields can only be harvested in half, many rice plants die before being harvested due to pests such as rats, walang sangit and others.

This situation makes it quite difficult for farmers to meet their daily needs. They have to rack their brains to find a way out of this problem. Not only affecting the farmers, this year's crop failure also affected the scarcity of rice in the market, causing the price to increase almost 2 times from its initial price.

Another problem that arises is the dryness of springs, which makes it difficult for everyone to get clean water. Coupled with the weather is very hot to the bone. All of the above problems arise due to the long drought this year.

That's all for today thanks for you guys that read my blog 

i hope you like it and have a nice day 😀

See ya on my next blog bye 👋👋





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